Package 'rmsMD'

Title: Output Results from 'rms' Models for Medical Journals
Description: This takes the output of models performed using the 'rms' package and returns a dataframe with the results. This output is in the format required by medical journals. For example for cox regression models, the hazard ratios, their 95% confidence intervals, and p values will be provided. There are additional functions for outputs when the model included restricted cubic spline (RCS) terms. Models using imputed data (eg from aregimpute()) and fitted used fit.mult.impute() can also be processed. The dataframe which is returned can easily be turned into a publication ready table with packages 'flextable' and 'officer'.
Authors: Samuel Tingle [aut, cre], Georgios Kourounis [aut]
Maintainer: Samuel Tingle <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 0.1.2
Built: 2025-03-07 11:25:23 UTC

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Create model summary for rms models


The modelsummary_rms function processes the output from models fitted using the rms package and generates a summarized dataframe of the results. This summary is tailored for publication in medical journals, presenting effect estimates, confidence intervals, and p-values.


  combine_ci = TRUE,
  round_dp_coef = 3,
  round_dp_p = 3,
  rcs_overallp = TRUE,
  hide_rcs_coef = TRUE,
  exp_coef = NULL,
  fullmodel = FALSE



The output from an rms model.


If TRUE, combines the effect estimates and 95% confidence intervals into a single column. Default is TRUE.


Specifies the number of decimal places to display for the effect estimates. Default is 3.


Specifies the number of decimal places to display for P values. Default is 3.


If TRUE, provides an overall P value for Restricted Cubic Spline (RCS) terms, sourced from anova(modelfit). Default is FALSE.


If TRUE, hides the individual coefficients for Restricted Cubic Spline (RCS) variables. Default is FALSE.


If TRUE, outputs the exponentiated coefficients (exp(coef)) as the effect estimates. Applicable only for model types other than ols, lrm, or cph. If NULL, no exponentiation is performed. Default is NULL.


If TRUE, includes all intermediate steps in the summary, allowing users to verify and compare with standard model outputs. Default is FALSE.


Returns a dataframe of results. This can easily be outputted to word using packages such as flextable and officer.